Saturday, March 22, 2014

Wenger: I am responsible for the defeat nor the justifications ..

Wenger: I am responsible for the defeat nor the justifications ..


EFE - The French manager Arsene Wenger to Arsenal team today, it is responsible for the defeat with 6 straight goals against Chelsea, in their seats on the ground training the Gunners.

The French coach said after the game : "Of course it was one of my worst days , in the first twenty minutes the game was over, we were not ready to fight a bad experience like the ones we've been ."

"I am responsible for the defeat, and I take full responsibility , and there is no need to justify and talk extensively ."

He Wenger ( 64 years ) , " the only justification will reply on the pitch next Tuesday in front of Swansea City , and win and correct mistakes that we signed ."

And the expulsion of the wrong defender Karen Gibbs , after a handball from midfielder Alex Chamberlain said Arsenal coach , " I think there was a handball but the referee did not watch , it was Chamberlain to touch it and do not know why the referee sent off Gibbs ."


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