Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Podolski: Arsenal did not come out of the race for the league title

Podolski: Arsenal did not come out of the race for the league title

The player confirmed the German striker Lukas Podolski Arsenal football that his team is still competing for the title contest the Premier League , despite losing six straight goals at home to Chelsea on Saturday.
Said midfielder Germany DFB site on the Internet on Tuesday that Saturday 's defeat was a " setback " for his English , but at the same time , " there is no reason to begin to say that everything is bad ."
During the season , Arsenal fell from the top of the English Premier League to fourth place , seven points adrift of Chelsea before the team hosts Swansea at home in the evening.
Podolski said : "I take it contest the Premier League the best league in the world. Breathtakingly close competition between the teams competition , where five or six competing teams centers on the summit."
He added: " So I knew it would not always be able to monopolize any team from the first position throughout the season ."
He explained that Podolski Arsenal still close to the lead , but " he has to play better in the level of our games following what we played against Chelsea , and we are confident in Kha r in our strengths ."


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