Sunday, March 23, 2014

Liverpool rival Manchester United and Chelsea on Luke Shaw

Liverpool rival Manchester United and Chelsea on Luke Shaw

After the reports that have sprung up recently for interesting Manchester United Alanlgiza annexation of the young England international left-back Luke Shaw Club Southampton , confirmed the British media that Liverpool Football Club is the other player is interested in annexing the transfer Asalifah next .
Player the 18- year introduced this season outperformance with his team to attract the attention of several big clubs led by Manchester United and Liverpool unlike Chelsea and Manchester City , but the Daily Express British pointed out that Liverpool target competition Aleonaat and Chelsea player display will be the 30 million pounds .
It is noteworthy that Brendan Rodgers Liverpool coach confirmed that he would not before the annexation of players for the team in huge amounts , but in the case of the team's success in qualifying for the Champions League next season


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