Sunday, March 23, 2014

Moyes: Manchester United could exploit the weaknesses of Bayern

Moyes: Manchester United could exploit the weaknesses of Bayern

David Moyes said artistic director of Manchester United as the monitoring of some of the weaknesses in the Bayern Munich and that he will try to exploit in the confrontation , which combines the two clubs in the quarter-finals of the Champions League .

Manchester United have stepped up to the quarter-finals after a failure on the front of Olympiakos in the first leg to win with three goals in the return leg ; , easing pressure on the coach because of declining performance at the local level .

At the same time advancing Bayern at the top of Albondsga 23 points ahead of nearest rivals and cut 50 league games without a loss , which makes it a candidate to win the confrontation with the Red Devils .

Moyes said - in remarks to reporters - " spotted some things and I will do it and exploit it .. the team title holder , but not unprecedented for a team that won the title twice in a row and we hope to achieve anything through it ."

It is noteworthy that Manchester United had won over Bayern Munich in the final of a historic 1999 when they came from behind with a view up to the minute 99 to win by two goals to one goal .


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