Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ahli allows foreign media broadcast the ceremony, "the most successful globally" for free

Marketing department decided to grant the club Ahli broadcast signal celebrate the completion of the Red Fort to the world's most successful foreign media for free, with an emphasis on broadcast exclusively on Al-Ahli.Marketing department decided to grant the club Ahli broadcast signal celebrate the completion of the Red Fort to the world's most successful foreign media for free, with an emphasis on broadcast exclusively on Al-Ahli.

Said Ali Abdel Moneim marketing manager to on Saturday : " Ahli channel has rights to broadcast the ceremony, and will be a trade-off between the two hotels on the stability of one of the world's most successful celebration of the establishment ."

Pat and Al Ahli more teams around the world to achieve regional championships for the arrival of the Devils title No. 19 after winning the Super Cup , Milan and overshoot .

He added , " We will allow foreign media to transfer the concert for free and without charge, while studying to allow the Egyptian channels and local presence and broadcast the ceremony for a fee ."

The ceremony will be held on 26 March , is expected to be attended by President of the Republic Adli Mansour and Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Defense Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the owner and chairman Milan .


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